Dear community,
Last month we revealed hi-res images and videos of our Swat Male and Female characters that were developed by mmt and Striker. This month we are proud to show some WIP shots for one of our levels still in development (80% finished),
Frostbite along with various individual assets that have been created.
All credits will follow.
FrostbiteDeep in the heart of Russia where the temperatures are dropping and trouble is brewing, a factory has been cleared out and being used by mercenaries as part of their underground network.
Reports are still sketchy, however we hear that an unknown number of mercenaries have seized and kidnapped a group of high-profile businessmen (yet to be disclosed) whom are now being held hostage.
The SWAT team have been brought in to rectify the situation, to bring an end to this seize and account all those responsible.
Level Design by Pleun "Ssswing" Meuwissen
Environment Created by Peter "pAldred" Aldred
Additional Assets by midwinterdreams, kev2m, kaze369 & Aragao
Shot 1:
It's getting chilly in TA!
Shot 2:
It's getting chilly in TA!
Shot 3:
It's getting chilly in TA!
Shot 4:
It's getting chilly in TA!
Shot 5:
It's getting chilly in TA!
We are pleased to say this level will be shipped with the public beta! We hope you enjoy it and look forward to hearing your thoughts.
On another note, our code department is very busy.
Drakk Lord has been intensively working on the weapon code, updating our existing setup and implementing an advanced system to handle weapon pickups, weapon cycling, throwing, reload/clip handling plus all the weapon values that will be tweaked and balanced through the course of development. Great work and we look forward to giving you futher updates in the near future.
Kolby is back in action, currently getting his teeth deep into the objective system, fine tuning how the buyzone, hacking and rescue scenarios work - including rules, what ifs and other factors that affect team wins. This includes announcer sounds being played and so on. Very involved!
Over all, things are moving very well at a good pace we are happy with!
Your TA Team