Dear community,
The TA team continues to work very hard but we have a shortage of volunteers in various departments to help us push development further. We are looking for a programmer, character animator (Maya), more environment modlers and texture artists; as our current teams are fully stretched.
Whilst TA continues to run at such a low capacity of staff, we are at risk of losing morale, in turn affecting our productivity across the board and completion being put back even further.
Do not fear though, since TOP-Proto is far too stubborn to fold TA or give up, we are certainly not quitters... but we want you to know how important it is to get new recruits in as soon as possible, so we finish this sooner rather than later.
This ‘members wanted’ poster was created by Scorpion, who belongs to the newly formed Support Team.
What is the support team?The Support Team is a voluntary group of people, which assists the TA team in public matters, such as spreading the word about TA across various other websites and forums, or helping us out elsewhere.
The main difference between the Support Team and the main TA Team is the Support forums are public to everyone, albeit read-only. We hope this helps you to see and understand some of the work that goes on behind the scenes and the extent we are going to bring as much publicity to this game prior to a beta release.
Thanks to Major_Tom, Scorpion and Sickmind as they applied the same day we announced that team and whom all have worked extremely hard.
If you would like to help us, then you can do so by linking our
recruitment poster to the websites, news sites, blogs and forums you visit, as well as posting it on twitter, facebook and other social networks.
We are aiming to get it printed and put on notice boards in universities, schools and other establishments, however if you can do this (without breaking any laws) your help would go a long way to attract a bigger fan base and importantly the staff we are currently looking for.
Thank you
Your TA Team